"I am a dragon."

Requested and Answered by Jafira on 12-Oct-2019 08:11

"I am a dragon."

Do these four words describe you or someone you know? If so, chances are good that you''re curious about what that statement really means.
Many people wonder about the psychological basis for draconity. Perhaps you''re concerned about the spiritual implications of calling oneself a dragon. Or what sort of community resources are available.

In this document, I would like to try to address all these concerns in a straightforward and informative way. Whether you''re coming to terms with your own draconity, or concerned about a friend or relative who is, I hope you find this useful.
If you have a question (specific or general) that is not answered in this FAQ, please refer to the "Contact/Copyright Information" section at the bottom of the document. All sincere inquiries are welcome.

This Q&A was found on Jafira's Lair : http://www.main.jafiradragon.com/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=10