WTF is Draconity & otherkinism? (2008)

Requested and Answered by Jafira on 12-Oct-2019 07:54

WTF is Draconity & otherkinism? (2008)

Otherkinism is an obscure belief that a person is connected spiritually in one way or another with a non human form, information and resources on otherkinism can be found at the site,

As for Draconity, it is another word for dragonkin, believing oneself to be connected spiritually with dragons in one form or another, information on such can be found by reading Baxils Draconity Faq. or by visiting the Dragon Resource Project.

I myself after many ups and downs find that I philosophically and spiritually apply myself to the dragonkin category due to my personal perceived spirituality concerning dragons. As a result, in addition to dragon information, my site and community caters to those who may have similar beliefs, as well as as those who simply have an interest in dragons.

As a traditional cautionary disclaimer, this is not roleplaying or D&D related, but rather referring to personal spiritual beliefs and perspectives.

This Q&A was found on Jafira's Lair :