Does my Dragon Purity Test score mean I (am/am not) a dragon?

Requested and Answered by Jafira on 12-Oct-2019 08:28

Does my Dragon Purity Test score mean I (am/am not) a dragon?

The Dragon Purity Test (aka Draconity Corruption Test, Draconity Test), which was developed by Dymus in 1995 and can be found at [], is designed to measure and rank one''s inner dragon through a series of questions such as "Have you ever answered faster to your draconic name than your human one?"

The test itself states at the top: "This test is purely for fun and entertainment. If you do not feel that your score is relative to your draconity then ignore it ... I warn you now that the validity of the test isn''t exactly real high, just fun."

While it''s true that in general dragons score higher than humans, the test is also unbalanced so that long-time residents score higher than newbies, even if the long-timers are non-dragons. Additionally, scoring higher does not make one "more" of a dragon, nor is there a clearly defined cut-off point below which no dragon can score. So, "the chief benefit of test results is living in a world where they are overrated" (to paraphrase H.L. Mencken).

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