Site History: 2001- 2008

Requested and Answered by Jafira on 12-Oct-2019 07:56

Site History: 2001- 2008

The site Jafira''s Lair was begun in late 2001, and appeared online in 2002, two years after I had begun studies for web design, it started as a primitive repository for my stories and art, but was fairly lame, In the fall of 2003 I reformatted it to it''s current appearance and got a proboards forum, which inevitable failed due to lack of advertising and general nonsense, for the remainder of 03 I remained largely unknown in my corner of the web.

In the summer of 2004 I updated my site with a livejournal, guestbook, The NEO Altfandra Project, and an enhanced messageboard, I made a minimal effort to advertise but fell into obscurity due to my timidness, summer of 05 until present I''ve been making general updates and improving the site and stories, and of course today in 2008 six years later I still remained relatively unknown. For the beginning or 2009, I returned to many of my sites outdated pages and rewrote them with more spiritual honestly and less perceived fiction, as well as became more honest with myself and my writings.

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