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Draconic is a very old and longstanding draconity based community, it has an extensive link directory, the personal history of Kanis the administrator, a chatroom, messageboard and a program which can be used for dating or finding friendship with others who share your specifications. Due to the draconity specific nature of this site, an application process is required before membership and features may be assessed.

Publisher: Jafira
Submitter: Not Specified
Published: Thu, 10-Oct-2019
Linked: 391 times
Country: <{$wfllink.countryname}>

Rating:    (0 Votes)

PageRankâ„¢: <{$smarty.const._MD_WFL_PAGERANKALT}><{$wfllink.pagerank}> (/10)

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Other links by: Jafira
The Godly Dragon (Fri, 11-Oct-2019)
Polenth's Nothing (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
The Art and Writing of Orion Sandstorm (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
Eristic.net (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
kinhost.org/ (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
Kinmunity (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
DreamHeart.org (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
www.otherkin.net/ (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
Norwegian Dragonkin Gathering (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)
Dragon*Con Website (Thu, 10-Oct-2019)

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