Information about Jafira's spirituality and dragons.
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Jafira's Draconity (2015 - Present)
Posted by Jafira on 2019/10/10 4:55:31 (306 reads)
Jafira's Dragon Spirituality

Explanation of Korageth:

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Fictional Biography: ... MS/article.php?storyid=61
Kora Reference:
Best Art:

I perceive myself as having possibly existed in a prior lifetime as a feral black dragon, western in style and form. Simple with no absolutes, only perception based off subjective spiritual and emotional experiences. He could be, might not be, who knows, but its what I identify with. I call this dragon Korageth.

I perceive that I once existed or incarnated as a nomadic dragon. The name Korageth has its origin in that a humanoid wolf referred to me as such in a recurring dream from my youth, shortly before both I and the wolf were slain. That dream is an integral and emotional segment to my belief and exists as my perceived demise.

As a result of those dreams, I perceive that I, in that existence was slain one night, outside of a ruined building made of brick, this large building alongside some lesser ruins was located outside of a forested area and was surrounded by grassy fields, there seemed to be a lake a short distance away from these structures, it was in this area that I believe I, as Korageth may have lived and later died. After my perceive death as this dragon, I feel that I was reborn to Earth.

Around the age of eight or nine I believe that I began to regain some possible memories, through dreams, flashbacks, visions and meditation, as well as nothing more then an inner knowing that I was different somehow, I slowly began to remember this possible prior draconic existence.

In time I had awakened to, and accepted the fact that I was somehow very different from my peers at least on a spiritual or psychological level.


The Tycosian Dragons:

Years later in my mid teens these perceived flashbacks and memories would begin to occur in much greater detail and much more often.

This reached a climax in early 2001 with the appearance of two sentient dragon persona's or "head mates" Jafira, a young green dragon, and Veltra, an elderly yellow dragon. This combined with my dragon identity as Korageth, left me with three perceived dragon identities, whom I collectively referred to as the Tycosian Dragons.

These segments of my consciousness were perceived at the time as dragon spirits (Jafira and Veltra) but my head mates were later understood to be simply separate aspects of my personality perceived as dragon personas.

These two head mates or guides, were possibly based off memories of other dragons which might have possibly been encountered during the perceived existence as Korageth.

(That or I was just a confused teenager with imaginary friends, either way, my head mates were a blessing at the time.)

These false consciousness' allowed me to learn more of who I was, and when I had reached a greater level of understanding they rejoined my consciousness and faded away. Psychologically, the concept was similar to a mild form of multiple dissociative disorder I assume.

Although my true spiritual identity is and has always been perceived as the dragon Korageth, I have chosen to use the name of Jafira Dragon as my Internet identity as I personally consider the name to be more open and inviting.


Hatching of Rashau:

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Fictional Biography: ... MS/article.php?storyid=60
Rashau Reference:
Best Artwork:

In late 2008, I entered into a loopy meditative trance and allowed myself to type information on to a word document while in a state of mind "separate from my natural state of being." I went into this introspective trance mindset to find some answers to questions concerning falsehoods in my perceived draconity, those falsehoods being that I had determined that my former headmates Jafira and Veltra were fake and that Kora's perceived memories at the time were mostly made up. In using this method I had hoped to gain incite on how to overcome and correct those problems.

The end result of this controversial trance was that I wrote a seven page essay letter to myself answering all of my questions just as I had requested. However, the document continued on to accuse me of concealing a possible secondary incarnation due to a gender bias and social fears.

The document that I had written in trance accused me of denying evidence of a secondary incarnation/awakening and petitioned that I reflect upon evidence from my childhood and teen years which could provide credence to the claim.

This event directly lead to a year of personal turmoil, my head mates ceased to exist, and Korageth's memories and perceived life were abrupty reexamined and reinterpreted with more perceived spiritual accuracy, in as such, I had to reawaken to him all over again as well as consider the possible evidence for this speculative alternate female dragon existence.

Throughout that year Korageth remained and remains to this day my dominant spiritual identity and prior perceived incarnation, but that year also allowed me to accept the possibility of the alternate or earlier existence as Rashau. However, unlike Korageth who is just too strong to deny, Rashau will likely forever be unconfirmed but acknowledged, just a character or a scalesona, a question mark, a "maybe" as far as my draconity goes.

Between 2008-2010 Rashau and Korageth both had fictional "biographical" stories written describing their existence's and lives. However without any proof and considering my silly state of mind back then, it remains a matter of faith and both stories should be considered works of fiction or fantasy, just like any other story with dragons.

(2015-2016 Addendum) At this point and with the boundless inspirational support of my closest friend Atmora I have come to accept Rashau as more natural and as a welcomed side aspect of my dragon identity and spirituality.

Thanks to Atmora's caring support I am trying to become more open or publicly accepting of her as an aspect of myself. Internally Rashau has become less of a question mark / scalesona and is now gradually becomming acknowledged alongside Kora's aspect as flip sides to the coin of my internal being. Memories of two lost lives bound in balance within my traveling soul.

Rashau is a very attractive dragon and provides a bright and playful contrast to Korageth. Spiritually I still remain slightly agnostic about her at times, but I am leaning towards her being spiritual, there is just some strange powerful emotional connection that I have with/as her that I don't quite understand yet but, the senses I feel are too strong to outright deny.

I personally consider both spirit and gender to be fluid and shifty so I don't really mind having her around or seen as part of my public identity, I feel that her and Korageth make a beautiful balance, two halves to the whole of my spirit and being, light and day, reclusive and open, I can see many aspects of my present self in both of them.

Meh, if nothing else she's an imaginary crush at this point^^ ( 0,=,o I'm into Dragon Selfcest! OMG! don't tell my wife!)


In conclusion, I identify as possibly having once been a feral black dragon, the rest is just associated side effects. (possibly that green dragoness as well in an even earlier life?) my perceived dragon beliefs are very personal to me and obviously took me many years to form. The above experiences heavily influenced the creation of this site as one of my primary goals has been to help others working through similar experiences so that they may know like myself, that they are not alone.

  0   Article ID : 62
Jafira's Draconity / Awakening (1990-2015)
Posted by Jafira on 2019/10/10 4:21:12 (290 reads)

Jafira's Draconity / Awakening:

On line I am known by the identity Jafira dragon however I consider my true draconic name to be Korageth. I perceive myself to be a dragon in mind and soul. I first suspected my draconity when I was quite young, perhaps between the ages of six and ten. As I grew older I tried desperately to suppress such beliefs as they would not be socially accepted.

For many years my belief would come and go until I first gained access to the Internet. Upon discovering a web site known as Alt-fan-dragons around the year 2000, I learned that I was not alone. That moment in time changed my life forever. No longer did I have a reason to suppress such thoughts, no longer was I the only one with such bizarre perceptions.

Keeping in mind that I had suppressed my draconity for most of my teen years, I am ashamed to say that when I first discovered that I was not alone in my beliefs, I immediately begun an attempt to "dig up" all that I had previously suppressed. In my rush during that time period I fell into the trap of filling gaps with fantasy, foolishly creating a fictional reality.

As a result I later hit several walls and had to start from scratch. The experience was difficult but allowed me to grow. From my experiences I can state that growing up I had one distinct segment of my conscious mind or thoughts which I had associated as a dragon.

Primarily I believe myself to have been a dark or black scaled western style dragon in a past life, likely nomadic in nature, last residing in a wilderness region consisting of mountains, plains, and a lake. As well I have a recurring dream of having possibly met my end by having been slain outside of a ruined building, possibly alongside a humanoid canine companion. The name of this dragon which I believe myself to have been in a past existence was "Koragus" or "Korageth" based on hearing that name once in the dream.

I base these beliefs off of numerous dreams, visions, meditations, emotions, and just an inner knowing. The fictional stories I wrote in my youth such as "Tycosian Dreams" as well as my various other literary works were based (loosely) off of these perceived memories and were meant to tell a grandiose and exaggerated history of my prior existence. The fantasy intertwined within these stories caused me a lot of conflict later as at that time in my life I believed it all to be fact with insufficient evidence to back any of it up. (I later went back and made a more spiritually accurate account in 2010)

At some point in my mid teens two other draconic persona's or head mates came into my life, they appeared between 1999 - 2000. The two new "dragons" appeared to me as sentient thoughts and personalities within my mind, yet separate from my own. They had distinct names appearances and personalities but had no memories or history, they just woke up in me one day. I strongly believe that they were fragmented memories of other dragons met in Korageth's life given false consciousness through my energy and beliefs at the time.

(Head Mates = Dissociated Consciousness? Tulpas? Servitors? Alternative Personalities? Imaginary Friends?)

Of these two additional draconic aspects, the first appeared as a friendly young green dragon named Jafira with a playful and curious disposition. The other was an elderly western dragon of a yellowish coloration named Veltra and he tended to be more analytical. These two additional "spirits" interacted with me and helped me to achieve some great accomplishments in my teen years, for example Veltra did all my college homework assignments and made sure I found time to meditate or research. Jafira handled my social interactions and helped me with video games and imagination. However at the time I knew very little for certain of their purpose or origin. They just appeared in my head one day. For the most part however their presence was always secondary to myself and my dragon identity Korageth.

Because I appeared to have head mates rather then the common single draconic aspect found among others in the dragonkin online community I was often weary of discussing my draconity. Because of my head mates I often feared that others may have assumed that I was posing, role-playing, confused or simply insane and I honestly allowed those fears to hold me back a lot I am sad to say.

As a result of my self imposed exile, I went into a terrible, and shameful phase of pursuing the truth of my spirituality alone. Naive, arrogant, and assumptive of false truths within my spiritual awakening I became immensely involved in my own brand of theoretical metaphysics and chaos magick in which I pursued a series of foolish experiments in pursuit of transformation or dimensional travel, nothing occurred of course other then failure smashing me back onto a path of maturity, as obviously the laws of physics and reality do not allow for such delusions. It was rough but I did grow and mature out of that irrational phase over time.

(My fluff years are replicated in the anime series "Love Chunibyo & other Delusions" )

Left to my own devices I got into a lot of fluff trying to comprehend how three dragon "spirits" could end up occupying one physical form without conflict and as mentioned earlier I foolishly filled many of the gaps of my evolving belief system with fantasy. That said It took me much longer then I am proud of to figure myself out and it was not fun. As a result of all of the mistakes that I made back then I am still ashamed and questioning myself to this very day.

Around the period of 2007, Jafira and Veltra slowly became less present within my being. My draconic identity Korageth begin to become more dominant and it appeared that the other two somewhat merged into my consciousness their aspects and thoughts melding into my own combining into a single entity becoming less segmented and fractured and more whole and focused. It seems that the two additional dragon "spirits" had ceased to exist in any recognizable form and I am now, as I was before their arrival. A dragon pretending to be human, or vice versa, in either case, one believing himself to have possibly lived as a dragon in a prior existence.

In mid October of the year 2008, I underwent an intense series of self induced trance sessions, In which I confirmed that my head mates Veltra, and Jafira, were indeed simply manifestations of my own consciousness and not separate entities or even past existence's. In as such I came to a much greater understanding of my perceived past as the dragon Korageth and was relieved to have some answers which I had desired. It has since brought a great stability to my life and a better understanding of myself. However, during that particular trance state of meditation, I discovered possible evidence for another separate later draconic existence beyond that as the black dragon Korageth.

This possible second dragon incarnation was and remains a bit controversial at least as far as I am concerned as it was perceived to have been a female dragon. Having just lost my head mates and begun removing most of the fluff from my understanding of my personal otherkin beliefs I was distressed to consider such an idea due to the possible social implications. I felt that identifying as two separate identities with a gender duality would be a dangerous step backwards. As well, although I do not doubt the abilities of a soul, I do distrust my personal psychology considering my past fluffy nature.

I was and remain open to the idea as I consider that all spirit and consciousness is likely genderless. Ones physical form is simply a shell or machine for the soul to use. I believe spirit itself to be androgynous and flexible to any form. So *shrugs* at least on a self perceived spiritual level I may be considered gender fluid but I feel that It is irrelevant. This is not Tumblr and I'll make no gain flaunting the theory about without evidence.

So back on course, I cannot presently confirm or deny anything concerning this second perceived incarnation, there is no evidence beyond something I typed in a word pad while in an odd state of mind. For now I have named her "Rashau" (Ra-shall) and pushed the idea aside. It may come to pass that this "second awakening" was simply a powerful manifestation of my anima and that it may be found to have simply been a psychological misinterpretation rather then a truly spiritual event.

The prospect of her existence needlessly complicates things and I just don't have enough evidence to justify her as anything other then a character. At this present point my possible incarnation as the dragon Korageth and seeking the rational and truth behind him is enough for my focus.

That explained the green dragon Rashau has become more or less just an emotionally meaningful scale-sona or creative character rather then an identity spiritual or otherwise. I find her attractive and to be a vibrant contrast to Korageth in a ying-yang sort of way. I like seeing imagery of her in the sense that she has become sort of a colorful cheerleader or morale booster for me.

In regards to activity on the Internet, I did know that the otherkin community was welcoming, but I had always had a certain shyness or fear of being judged. One weakness which I still fight to overcome. Although I do often fear that others may not take me seriously I know personally that I am only being what I am. I had fought for years to run away from these aspects of myself and failed miserably every time. I can not change what I am inside even if I wanted to.

I can only be myself and I feel I am in some sense a dragon in mind and spirit. It was only in the realization and acceptance of the fact that I was a dragon in some sense that I was able to achieve the peace and balance that I was missing from my life. It was as if a missing piece to the puzzle of who I was had been found and things finally begun to make sense.

My Draconity has been a psychologically detrimental, spiritually hectic and overall a long and stressful journey. But it is a part of who I am and as a result I know myself better and have become a stronger person. I have also learned that draconity is not for everyone. It is not simply a game or mask you wear, it is a state of inner being, you cannot simply choose to be an otherkin, you either are or you are not and the experiences that one will face through draconity are a mixed blessing at best with positives and negatives but in the end ones reward is the knowing of ones true inner spirit.
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  0   Article ID : 59
The Theories Behind Jafira's Beliefs. (2006)
Posted by Jafira on 2019/10/10 4:18:59 (263 reads)
Jafira's Dragon Spirituality

New Age Ramblings, Explaining The Rational of My Otherkin Beliefs.

(By Jafira, written in the year 2006)

Let us consider the reality that we live in, consider the vastness of our physical universe, Earth is but a mere grain of sand and it and it's inhabitants mere atoms upon that grain of sand. To claim the physical, biological and spiritual laws of this particular grain of sand to be universal truth is impossible because we the inhabitants of this planet are confined to the knowledge and experiences attributable to our Earth and its observable counterparts. Furthermore let us admit that much of that knowledge is still speculation and unconfirmed. We see all things as individuals, each with our own perceptions and from an inherently biased perspective based solely on our individual experiences and knowledge based off that which our senses can perceive or that which can be logically explained.

That which does not make sense to our experiences and knowledge is often rejected as fantasy. Children raised to believe in a higher power, Gods, or spiritual beings will accept such as fact because it relates to their experience and knowledge, others raised in an opposing environment will reject the idea of a higher power, Gods, or spiritual beings. For those raised in a non-spiritual environment, being raised in that perception an individual may feel that things that can not be proven cannot be true. The same can also be stated for magic, spiritual energy, spirits, dragons, unicorns, vampires and so on. As they do not exist on Earth, by most individuals subjective perceptions, they can not or should not exist at all. That is the common assumption of man, that which has not been seen or proven with ones own eyes cannot exist.

The error in this is thinking is, as mankind can not yet see or confirm the possibility of life on other worlds, man will inherently assume that only they exist. They use interpretations of their religions or science to "prove" this point. But the universe is infinitely vast, it would be a waste of a creators time to create such complexity for a single world and within the infinite vastness of space countless earth-like planets obviously must exist among many other stars, we simply cannot know what is out there yet. As a result of that lack of proof, by the reasoning of many, we are and should always be alone.

In my personal view of the vast and ever growing complexity that is our universe, other worlds and laws most definitely exist. So I believe in other planets where others assume we are by default alone. When I consider as well the theory of reincarnation I can easily believe that a dragon or entity of one world may end up incarnating as a man on earth and perhaps tell tales of what he once knew or saw in dreams of another world, these tales, would obviously be considered false by others perceptions and would be called fantasy. But that assumption does not change the possibility that on another world or in another time or life, such forms and beings did or do exist.

As well, let us consider our knowledge of the unforeseen or our present theoretical mechanisms of the universe: dark matter, the nature of gravity, physical matter, expansion, quantum physics, time and so on? When considering such, even the most ardent or arrogant of mans scholars will state that man is still vastly unfamiliar with the nature of the universe beyond what has presently been observed, in as such it is not too far a stretch of the imagination to believe that other worlds in different areas of space may be subject to different physical or dimensional laws compared to that of Earth, as by our own admission, we do not yet know everything, only that which is immediately observable from our present grain of sand in space.

Finally we come to a speculation of the nature of the spirit. Let us imagine or assume, that all existence, spiritual and non has resulted through the will of some external power, perhaps an eternal entity comprised of creative energy outside of physical existence. As well, let us assume that the energy of this creative force likely exists in all forms and universal laws throughout existence. Let us speculate that through this eternal being, perhaps sentience was given to it's own energy in the form of a soul and maybe physical forms were created and evolved to house, teach and to grow these souls?

With each physical death the soul might possibly return to the energy of it's creator, compile and learn from its lessons and then return to the physical universe in a new form to experience life and to observe reality in a new body? Perhaps a male born in 1984 who dies around 2030 might come back as a female in 1980 to have a do over and see what life would be like from a different perspective? Perhaps life in a way is just our spirits test driving different bodies to experience them and to learn what each body or lifetime could be like? If such a force had designed this process, the purpose of life would likely be for each soul to transition between countless forms throughout time and space within the physical universe, learn of what it means to live, to experience pains, to have joys and fears, to love, to die and to repeat in numerous successive journeys or forms until our souls source exhausts it's energy or chooses to cease the universe and end the process? (Perhaps a reset or simply a final end for our souls?)

To protect each new individual experience of existing in each new form, it would be considered proper for the soul to have a temporary or spiritual amnesia from other lives while in each new form so that the experiences and memories of the last life did not conflict with the experiences of the new existence? Similar to how in death, Romans and Greeks would drink from the River Styx and forget their lives. As well, it can easily be considered that as each new forms brain does not have the memory or mechanics of the souls possible prior form within it, then the entire past or memory obviously would not be able to carry over while in physical flesh,

But what if some souls that have progressed through many lives over time perhaps have gained the power to carry over the knowledge? That the soul can through successive existence's learn to partition a part of it's past consciousness in order to reach out and to teach the present bodies mind its own past? This is the concept of my otherkin awakening and has likely been true for others. Although the present mind may not have the experiences of the past, maybe the soul retains some of it and with spiritual exercise can, overtime remind the conscious mind of select or emotionally driven events.

In Regards to such, I believe strongly, based on emotional, psychological, and spiritual evidence that I may in some sense be the reincarnation of a dragon which had once existed in some form from some other realm. I am not alone in my odd belief, there are a variety of other people who have arrived at similar conclusions to my own, you can see for yourself by visiting or by reading Baxil's draconity faq, if you choose not to believe in the subject matter, then all I can ask really is that you consider, that we simply have alternative beliefs and leave it at that.


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