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What if I am not a dragon but am in touch with (them/one) spiritually?
Requested and Answered by Jafira on 12-Oct-2019 08:16 (394 reads)
There are many people out there who consider their dragon to be only part of, or separate from, their human self -- a distinct facet of their personality, or an "avatar" which they are spiritually in touch with, or an outside identity with which they communicate and have bonded.

As I consider my dragon to be not only me but all of me, I have written this FAQ from that worldview. But I am not trying to exclude those whose dragons play different roles in their life! Many of the questions in this FAQ apply no matter what your relationship with your dragon may be. Some questions (and answers) may apply more specifically to the way I perceive draconity, so if any of my writing rubs you the wrong way, please feel free to talk to me personally (see "Contact Information" at the bottom of this document).

(See also "what''s the deal with dragon magic?" Below)

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