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Jafira's Ramblings

Jafira's To Do List (May 2016)

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Note to self: write semi vulgar / spiritual commentary regarding my opinions on the following people and situations!

Man transitions to women to dragon: ... der-woman-becoming-dragon

Woman thinks she's a cat in human body: ... T-trapped-human-body.html

Express my personal angst at the reactions of tumblrkin to the Amazing Atheists otherkin video's last December:

Give my probably vulgar reaction to WND's video on otherkin:

Post some more ancient otherkin advice letters for anyone who may find them useful.

I'm also in the process of dusting off some of the cobwebs from my failed forum Dragons Valley and fixing various cosmetic issues there. I'll decide what to do with it once I feel its back to 100% functionality again.

I have some off line drama and stress going down in my life at present, which is ironically awesome for getting these types of things done, as instead of wasting my life with Youtube, Hulu and Netflix or playing Fallout 4 I may tend to work online in an attempt to take my mind off things, hope for the best! ^,=,^

Jafira's Ramblings: Jafira's thoughts- blog, journal and general ramblings.
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