HomeMenuJafira's Ramblings • Dragon Shrine / Altar 2016 (2016)

Jafira's Ramblings

Dragon Shrine / Altar 2016 (2016)

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Recent pictures of my DragonShrine, I am kind of altering it a lot lately as I have been desiring a more metaphysical ambience and slowly trying to transition it into a magical alter or personalized sacred space. As a result I have been moving items around and phasing objects in and out a lot more often lately. With that said, these present pictures are subject to future change or removal. Enjoy

PS: The Ouija board is for the most part decorative and has never been used, please note such before emailing me criticism or warnings concerning it.

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Jafira's Ramblings: Jafira's thoughts- blog, journal and general ramblings.
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